So what is it about Burkina Faso that made us want to return for a third time this trip? If you were to look up its 'vital statistics' you'd soon learn it is the third poorest country in the world with a life expectancy just above that of present day Zimbabwe. Yet both the country and its people have hidden depths.
Around the Banfora region in the south-west of the country (where we've spent the last 9 days) are some incredible rock formations and waterfalls [see pics 1&2]. Meanwhile the sense of pride held by the people for both their past and present is striking. This can be seen throughout the country in the order and cleanliness of the towns and villages and by the importance they continue to attach to the upholding of tradition in the face of change and modernity. Many of the villages conform to a matriarchal structure and the women like nothing better than sharing their stories and the latest gossip over a calabash of millet beer [pic. 3].