For both Sanna and I, one of the great "must do's" of this trip was driving the 500km alongside the great Choum railway (above pic.) in northern Mauritania. Recently made famous by Michael Palin's 'Sahara' series we thought "well, if he can do it......"
His trip was on board the 2.5km train - the longest in the world, carrying ore and phosphates from the mines deep in the Sahara to the coast. Ours, however, was in Jemima who loved and hated the two day desert crossing. She did her best to follow old tracks which frequently disappeared beneath the moving dunes and to find her best route through the 101 different types of sand without getting stuck. Only once did we need to get out the sand ladders, shovel and jack to ease her onto firmer terra firma.
Our night spent in the desert was breathtaking. The sunset, stars, eerie sound of the train during the night and our setting beside an outcrop of rocks (2nd pic) made for what will remain one of our most memorable lifetime experiences.
17 hours of dune and sand driving later and we're in the relaxed, friendly town of Atar planning very little for the next couple of days before our 450km drive south to the capital Nouakchott.
Sounds amazing! Hope Jemima was more comfy than the last time you crossed a desert on Khalu the camel!
thinking of you (whilst on holiday ourselves freezing our socks off Up North!!) Sib, Chris n Neice xxxx
Hi Jonnie and Sanna! Wowwwwww, it all sounds completely glorious. Tis hard to believe you are there.. Sounds magical. Great pictures too. We are loving your blog.
You may be pleased to hear it is freezing, grey and pissing down in Bristol.
All is ok really though :-) Al is loving his new job, and I am loving Sufira (got a wonderful new double bass player..)
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Mina Road
Sara and Al xxx
hi guys
It looks amazing! the boys & I have just looked through your photos, and followed your route on the globe. Can't believe you're in the tropics.
All is well here, plenty of sore heads due to the bonfire & booze last nite.
Hope you're both well
Nicola, zack & jay
It is really great following your progress across the globe! The pix on flickr are especially evocative. Without captions it leaves the adventures to the imagination.
Tell me about the music you encounter. Any musicians playing amazing and exotic songs on bizarre instruments?
Also what are they making of the USA electing a president of part Kenyan descent? It's the biggest news here since Jonathan Ross and Russel Brand threatened the future of the BBC and of civilisation itself if you follow the Mail on Sunday.
Really wish we were there - keep it coming
Chris Claire and Capella xxx
Hi Jon & Sanna! Each new post looks more amazing than the last. We are loving following your journey and send you big love and kisses, especially from Luca, who is enjoying "big school" and rehearsing his line for his first Christmas play! Stay safe and lots of love from Jane, Giovanni & Luca xxx
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