So after a month in Mali and Burkina Faso we're preparing to leave Bamako first thing tomorrow and drive up through Mauritania in about a week. Hopefully we'll update the little green line regularly for all you avid route watchers!
It's been an amazing 4 weeks and I think we saved the best until last: a trip into the 'Pays Dogon' [see pics]. The area is quite unique - a long cliff face with abandoned dwellings and tombs built high into natural crevaces within the rock. So high up in fact that some locals believe the previous inhabitants (Tellem) could fly! The area is now home to the Dogon people who continue to live in the cliffs retaining a lifestyle and traditions unchanged for hundreds of years.
1 comment:
Hello there you two intrepid travellers! Luca is fascinated by the idea of people living in caves now. Great to see you're having such a fantastic time and meeting such nice people. I've just got back in touch with Psych which is great! Weather is pretty miserable here, but the roast chicken in the oven is cheering us up. Can't wait to see you at some point.... Jane, G & Luca xxx
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